Limitless Cycling is Evolving w/ Action Trackchair

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

River Valley Trails Inc
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Revolutionizing mobility to combat social isolation, foster community, and create a lasting impact.


raised by 15 people

$25,000 goal

1 year left




Update #4

Update posted 2 days ago

We've said it before, and we'll say it again, it never ceases to amaze us the generosity of our community partners and how much you believe in our mission and vision. We knew this is going to be a big lift, but we are on our way to expanding our program with an Action Trackchair with the $2,510 raised during Give BIG St. Croix Valley!

For everyone who donated and shared our story, you are amazing and so is our anonymous donor of our matching grant - They have extended their match money until it is all gone! No amount is too small, and your tax-free donation will be matched until it’s been expended.

We are truly humbled and grateful of all the support. We are honored to serve with you in partnership for our community.

On behalf of Darren, Matthew, and all of our volunteers – "Thank you!" and "Let's all get outside!"



In the pursuit of inclusivity and empowerment, Limitless Cycling will no longer just be pedaling, but will be rolling its way into a transformative 12-month program. This evolution involves not only adaptive bicycles but a groundbreaking addition - the Action Trackchair. 

Limitless Cycling began with a simple mission: to make cycling accessible to everyone. The introduction of adaptive bicycles marked a crucial step in ensuring that individuals of all abilities could experience the joy and health benefits of cycling. These specialized bikes opened new avenues for inclusivity, breaking down barriers for seniors, veterans, and those with mobility challenges.

The heart of Limitless Cycling lies in its adaptive bicycles. These specially designed bikes cater to diverse needs, providing a comfortable and secure ride for individuals with varying abilities. From seniors seeking a low-impact exercise to veterans recovering from injuries, these adaptive bicycles have become a symbol of empowerment, promoting physical activity and well-being.

Taking inclusivity to the next level, Limitless Cycling introduces the Action Trackchair to its program. This groundbreaking addition is not just a chair; it's a powerful mobility device designed for all terrains and more importantly – All seasons. The Action Trackchair extends the cycling program's reach to individuals with more significant mobility challenges, ensuring that everyone can participate in the joy of outdoor activities.

Limitless Cycling's evolution into a 12-month program signifies a commitment to sustained impact. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in outdoor activities throughout the year, fostering long-term physical and mental well-being. The program addresses economic disparities by offering a consistent means of adaptive transportation, particularly beneficial for seniors and veterans, enhancing their independence and community integration.

Data collected from the program underscores its positive effects and its need for year-round engagement. Participants show improvements in physical health, mental well-being, and community engagement. Success stories highlight the transformative impact of Limitless Cycling, emphasizing the importance of adaptive bicycles and the Action Trackchair in creating a more inclusive and accessible environment.

Limitless Cycling's journey from adaptive bicycles to the innovative inclusion of the Action Trackchair is a testament to its unwavering commitment to inclusivity. The 12-month program, with its tailored approach and groundbreaking additions, propels the initiative towards a future where enjoying the outdoors is truly limitless. As we roll forward, Limitless Cycling stands as a beacon of empowerment, proving that with adaptability and innovation, everyone can enjoy the freedom of the open road and trails.

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