Giving Tuesday 2023

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
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Join us in our mission to safeguard the wellbeing and independence of older adults.


raised by 12 people

$5,000 goal

Culpepper Garden has been serving older adults on fixed incomes for 50 years. We strive to create a community of care where older adults have access to the housing, services, and care they need and deserve. 

This #GivingTuesday, as we celebrate this global generosity movement, we extend a warm invitation to join us in our mission to safeguard the wellbeing and independence of older adults.

Often, residents arrive at our door feeling weary and overwhelmed by their everyday needs. Their stories show us why your support matters. Consider Terry’s story.

After a 40-year career in nursing, Terry found herself in need of the very care she once provided to others. In 2013 Terry’s health began to deteriorate and she was placed on the waiting list for a liver and kidney transplant. She received what she calls “a miracle” when a friend of the family later became her organ donor. Years of expenses resulting from ongoing medical care, transplant surgery and rehabilitation wiped out her meager savings causing severe financial hardship. Without Culpepper Garden, a nursing home was Terry’s only other option. Luckily, her daughter helped her to apply for Assisted Living and she was able to go straight to her new home at Culpepper Garden following rehab. Today, Terry finds comfort in creating beautiful art and spending time with her rescue cat Lilly. At 72 years of age, Terry says she is taking life one day at a time. Despite living with persistent pain and discomfort, she is so grateful to have a comfortable home with the care she needs.

Your gift today can help to ease the worry and suffering that Terry and countless other vulnerable older adults will experience due to financial insecurity, housing instability, and social isolation.

Your gift matters so much. Please consider a donation today. Thank you for your generosity and support this Giving Tuesday and beyond!

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