Charity Humanity Organisation. For you!

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A personal fundraiser by

Nicolas Kruzlic
Fundraiser image


raised by 1 people

$100 goal

Good day, you wish, Mr./Mrs. Friend,

Apriori, in condaction neurons data, Do you think, that you ever help to anyone person in your personal life, Mr./Mrs. Friend?

I understand you, and, in internal chambers condinal fractal of neurons data with function of feeling emotions, your emotional feelings, that you feel! You are on the right place. The reality is, that you are, in social function of your brain, and social fun. aspect, you are participate in circle with a good persons. 

The fact is, that this persons, you know, how image (face, res. facelook) have them. 

Continually, Do you think, that you ever help to anyone person LIKE YOU, in your personal life, Mr./Mrs. Friend?

I understand you as you are.

I know, who you are. 

I aware of reality, what you need in your individual personal life.

The fact with colaborating truth, is, that you are pearson of rise people (homo sappiens sappiens) animal. And have, in interior active neurons in complexative segments and fractals of your people brain, with function of emphaty. This you need  active, and use it in every time to be alive.

You understand me, Mr./Mrs. Friend?

You can understand me,  Mr./Mrs. Friend?

Alright, Mr./Mrs. Friend.

The fact with colaborating truth, is, that you are pearson, that can do it everythink, you want it, Mr./Mrs. Friend!

Philanthropy is a form of  integrative manifestation of altruism that consists of "private active initiatives, for the populations good, focusing on better quality of life". Philanthropy contrasts with active initiatives, which are private initiatives for private good, focusing on everythink, with you can help to others; and with endeavors, which are initiatives for populations good, notably focusing on provision of services. A person who practices philanthropy is a philanthropist. 

You can do it!

We can do it!

Together, we can do it Mr./Mrs. Friend! 

Sincerely regards and have a nice day, BSc. MSc. Nicolas Kruzlic PHD. HND. .  

                                           Profesio. Psychologist, Author, Founder and President of Charity Humanity Organisation.  

A personal fundraiser by

Nicolas Kruzlic

Nicolas Kruzlic

Giving Activity


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