Park City Climate Fund

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Park City Community Foundation
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The Climate Fund ensures we implement local climate solutions to reach net zero emissions by 2030


raised by 59 people

$75,000 goal

Zero Food Waste 2030

Park City Climate Fund provides a critical piece of the puzzle by ensuring that Summit County residents have the resources in place to implement solutions to achieve zero-landfill food waste goals as part of the larger objective of reaching net zero emissions by 2030.

In April 2023, Park City Community Foundation’s Climate Fund announced a resolute goal to fully divert food waste from Summit County’s landfill by 2030. This strategic decision, shaped thorough discussions with community collaborators, targets one of the most pressing climate-related issues in Park City and Summit County, Utah.

Food waste impacts the health of the Park City and Summit County community’s economy, health, and environment in ways that many people may find surprising. Developing actionable strategies for addressing this pervasive problem requires support from individuals, households, governments, businesses, and institutions all working together.

Why Food Waste

  • A staggering 40-60% (season-dependent) of the contents in our quickly saturating landfill consists of divertible food waste.
  • Decomposing food waste in landfills generates methane, a greenhouse gas that's 82 times more potent than CO2 over two decades.
  • To put it into perspective, if global food waste were a nation, it would rank third in emissions production, trailing only the USA and China.
  • Addressing this issue is financially astute. Every diversion from the landfill financially benefits our county by prolonging the landfill's operational life.
  • Our landfill's location directly over the Rockport Reservoir, our water source, further emphasizes the gravity of the situation.
  • Tackling food waste propels us towards achieving our City and County's esteemed Net Zero Carbon Goals.
  • It aligns with the International Olympic Committee's sustainability vision for the upcoming Olympics.
  • And the good news? It's actionable!

This November, we are publishing a detailed 3-5 year Strategic Plan that focuses on three strategies.

  1. Measuring Progress: Robust data systems to monitor food waste.
  2. Reduction and Diversion: Implementation of scalable initiatives.
  3. Waste Processing: Ensuring eco-friendly waste processing methods.

To learn more, visit our Climate Fund webpage

Giving Activity


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