1st ever conference on psychedelics in Croatia

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A personal fundraiser by

Mario Zulić
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First ever “The Science of Psychedelics in Practice” conference in Croatia. Let's start a dialogue.


raised by 8 people

$5,500 goal

You may know Croatia for its beautiful coastline, famous national soccer team and, more recently, great Eurovision song. However, one topic that is rarely talked about in our region is science of psychedelics. This terribly underrated subject, we believe, should be more talked about, researched and (hopefully) applied. That is why we (NGO Nepopularna psihologija) set our minds to organize the first ever Multidisciplinary Conference on Science of Psychedelics in Croatia, which will be held in Zagreb on November 11th, 2023.

Since topics like these are marginalized in Croatia, we turn to crowdfunding campaign to fuel this conference. Thank you all for considering supporting the cause! We believe that a field with as much potential benefits as psychedelics should not be silenced. 

About the conference 

The goal of the conference is to raise awareness about scientific research on psychedelics and the possibilities of their application in medical and therapeutical contexts, as well as the general perception of psychedelics in this part of Europe. As psychedelics are very often a taboo topic surrounded by myths and stigma, with this conference we wish to begin a conversation between experts from different fields, but also the broader public.

There are several reasons for organizing the first, but hopefully not the last, conference of this kind in this region.

On one hand, an increasing amount of scientific research unequivocally demonstrates that psychedelics, such as LSD, psilocybin, and MDMA, have significant potential for use in the treatment of various mental disorders like depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction. At the same time, they debunk various myths and unscientific claims about the effects of these substances. However, due to the stigmatisation and criminalisation of psychedelics, these areas of research have long been marginalised.

This is reflected both in Croatian public and scientific community, where myths still prevail and the topic is rarely discussed or researched. This conference aims to raise awareness about current research findings and therapeutic practices, and encourage dialogue and further scientific studies.

We hope that this conference will encourage further research and considerations about the use of psychedelics for therapeutical purposes in Croatia and beyond.


First and foremost, a significant portion of the collected funds will be allocated for covering the conference venue expenses. This includes venue rental fees, necessary equipment, and associated services required for hosting a successful event. We aim to secure a venue that accommodates our anticipated number of attendees and provides a professional and welcoming environment for knowledge sharing and networking opportunities.

Another key area of expenditure will be the lecturers' trip expenses. In order to enhance the quality of our conference program, we hope to invite esteemed speakers from various industries and fields from Croatia and abroad so we can learn about application of psychedelics in practice. 

Promotion plays a vital role in maximizing attendance and generating interest among potential participants. Consequently, a portion of the funds will be allocated towards promotional activities. This may include marketing materials, advertising campaigns and engaging with relevant media outlets. With this, we aim to reach a wider audience and attract a diverse group of attendees.

In addition to the aforementioned expenses, it is essential to allocate funds for minor expenses that may arise during the conference. These minor expenses could include items such as water, stationary, signage, printing, and other incidental costs that contribute to the smooth running of the event. Although individually small, these expenses collectively play a significant role in providing a well-organized environment for all participants.

All funding is going directly to NGOs bank account.

About the organization 

Nepopularna psihologija (Unpopular psychology) is a nonprofit organization whose aim it is to popularize psychology (and related sciences) in accordance with the principles and integrity of the profession. Our team, composed of graduated psychologists, has been summarizing scientific articles to explain various phenomena in psychology, organizing public lectures, workshops and similar activities in the local and wider community for the past 5 year. 

At this moment, Nepopularna psihologija is one of the few, if not the only, Croatian organizations that continuously report and promote new psychedelic scientific findings. 

Contact and more information

For all information and updates, potential participation and other sponsorship options of the conference, please follow the official website of the “Science of Psychedelics in Practice” conference. For any inquiries, feel free to contact our team at urednistvo@nepopularna.org.

Official website: 

Mario Zulić, mag.psych.
NP President

A personal fundraiser by

Mario Zulić

Mario Zulić

Giving Activity


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