Datadog Supports DC Central Kitchen!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

DC Central Kitchen
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Let's come together to support DC Central Kitchen!


raised by 0 people

$2,500 goal

As the observability and security platform for cloud applications, Datadog’s mission is to help organizations of all sizes and across a wide range of industries drive digital transformation and collaboration across teams. In support, Datadog is proud to support the mission of DC Central Kitchen (DCCK), an iconic nonprofit and social enterprise that combats hunger and poverty through hands-on culinary job training and job creation for individuals facing high barriers to employment.

DCCK’s social ventures include serving scratch-cooked farm-to-school meals in DC schools, delivering fresh, affordable produce to corner stores in neighborhoods without supermarkets, and operating fast-casual cafes throughout the District of Columbia.

Thank you for your support of Datadog and DC Central Kitchen.

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