Dan Johnson

Organization Image

A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Echo Group
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Dan's fundraising page on behalf of The Echo Group


raised by 5 people

$15,000 goal

Team participant


 Health is something that has always been on the back of my mind; but something that I have never taken seriously. Jumping on this health competition at Stark has helped me go "all-in" and make health a priority for myself. 

The coaches have truly been a support group to help me achieve my goals. I FEEL GREAT!  


During this competition, I am supporting a great non-profit group called Echo Group. This is dear to my heart as I am thankful everyday for the sacrifices our armed forces make protecting our freedoms here back at home. 

I often feel that our country does not do enough to assist veterans when they return from the battlefield.  

Meeting with the Co-founder & President, Steve Baird, I was excited to hear about how the Echo Group provides resources for vets that are in difficult situations in life. Through connecting with vets through sports leagues, sober living houses, etc., the Echo Group is making a positive stride to bridging the gap to ensure that our vets are receiving the respect, care, and resources they deserve to be successful in life.  

This fundraiser supports

organization image

Echo Group

Organized By Todd Vande Hei

Giving Activity


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