In the Field - Medical Emergencies Need Us NOW.

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Homeward Trails Animal Rescue Incorporated
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Ralphie has a VERY painful bulging eye that needs immediate care. And so many more need us...


raised by 58 people

$5,000 goal

This female will have dozens more babies without our intervention.Our Trails UP team is back in the field in Danville, VA where the local shelter kills almost 90% of the animals it takes in and does NOT support TNR.

Thus, our work is even more crucial here. If a caretaker with outdoor cats needing neuter and vaccines they have nowhere to turn. And so Poor Ralphie has a ruptured eyeball and has been living in massive pain. Without our help he would face a life of endless pain or be killed at the shelter.their colonies grow to dozens and dozens which is virtually impossible to afford let alone stop from reproducing. And community cats and kittens brought to the Danville Area Humane Society are killed.

This kitten would face most certainly being killed at the local humane society. We will not let that happen.We have already sterilized hundreds of cats and kittens in Danville this year and saved dozens from painful medical conditions and injuries. Without us the suffering would be so much greater. 

Other kittens we have taken in have been exposed to Panleuk meaning that they would most certainly be killed immediately if taken to the shelter. We instead will isolate them and give them every chance possible. 

Community members cry with gratitude for our help knowing their cats will be safe and now healthy and not dying needlessly. 

We cannot do this work and take on medical emergencies without your help. Please share and donate.

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