Help Emma support LGBTQIA2+ Young People!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Inside Out Youth Services
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Join me in supporting Inside Out Youth Services' life-saving work with LGBTQIA2+ young people!


raised by 4 people

$200 goal

New Job New Me :)

Update posted 5 months ago

I am so excited to say that I am the new Donor Relations Manager at Inside Out Youth Services in Colorado Springs! Please consider supporting me in this new role! Thank you! :)

Support Inside Out Youth Services on Give Out Day!

Did you know that Youth whose pronouns and chosen name are respected are up to 65% less likely to attempt suicide? 

Welcome to my fundraising page for Inside Out Youth Services! I'm raising funds to support this incredible organization during the Give Out Day campaign, a nationwide event dedicated to uplifting LGBTQIA2+ causes! 

Some statistics: 

Youth who have just one trusted adult in their life are at least 40% less likely to attempt suicide.

LGBTQIA2+ youth are between 4-6 times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual or cisgender peers.

Inside Out Youth Services serves about 1,000 young people every year, and our policy/advocacy work impacts around 31,000.

About Inside Out Youth Services

Inside Out Youth Services is a beacon of hope for LGBTQIA2+ youth in our community. They provide a safe, affirming space where young people can explore their identities, connect with peers, and access vital support. The organization offers a range of services, including:

Community Center Programs: A safe space for youth to share their experiences, learn new skills, and find community.

Education and AdvocacyWorkshops and resources to help schools and organizations create inclusive environments.

Leadership Development: Programs that empower young people to become community leaders.

Community Events: Opportunities for youth to celebrate who they are and find a sense of belonging.

Why Your Support Matters

Your contribution will help Inside Out Youth Services continue and expand their impactful work. From life-changing programs to resources and events, your donation will make a meaningful difference in the lives of LGBTQIA2+ youth.

Join Me in Making a Difference

Here's how you can support Inside Out Youth Services:

Donate: Every contribution, big or small, helps provide essential services and resources for LGBTQIA2+ youth.

Share: Spread the word about this fundraiser by sharing it with your friends and family.

Advocate: Advocate for LGBTQIA2+ rights and inclusion in your own community.

Together, we can create a safer, more inclusive world for LGBTQIA2+ youth. Your support means the world to me and to the young people who benefit from Inside Out Youth Services. Thank you for being a part of this important cause!

Giving Activity


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