Give Children a Family for Christmas

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Orphan World Relief
Fundraiser image


raised by 8 people

$1,000 goal

Wanna see us play Shaq Fu?

Update posted 6 years ago

Hey y’all! If we can reach the $1,000 by the end of the stream, we will play Shaq Fu!!

My name is Nathan Grover, and I want to help children find a family for Christmas. 

Over the last month, I seemed to see countless emails and ads for Black Friday and Christmas, telling me to “buy this!” “get that!,” and whatnot. It made me think “Man, Christmas has been getting ridiculous this year.” But as I thought about that, I realized the idea of having a holiday I feel is ridiculous is a First-World Problem: there are so many out there that don’t have a holiday that can get ridiculous, mostly because they don’t have people to celebrate with. That made me decide that, this Christmas, I wanted to raise money for a charity and help those people. After all, regardless of what religion you practice or how you celebrate Christmas, at its core, Christmas is all about giving. 

I wanted to raise money for Orphan Word Relief, as it’s a charity that means a lot to me. I feel that the main reason I’ve been as successful as I have been in life is thanks to my wonderful parents, who have done so much for me. But often times I remember that not every kid out there has amazing parents raising them, and I want to change that. My goal is to raise $1,000 to help the 147-210 million Orphaned and at-risk children around the world find a family for Christmas. 

On December 16th, I will be hosting a Twitch livestream with my friends Jordan and Ty to help bring awareness to and raise money for Orphan World Relief. More details will be coming up soon, but rest assured, everyone who donates will be given a shout-out during the stream, and possibly a chance to play game with us. Stay tuned! 

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