Gastroparesis Research Fundraiser

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

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Each time I do a Fundraiser, I will deposit those funds HERE so that you can see how much YOU have helped!


raised by 0 people

$500 goal

I have had Gastroparesis for several years and been a large advocate to generate funds for GP Research.   Without research, we will never have better treatment options.  

In 2016 I will hold random fundraisers from: 

* The GP Fight Store at 

* As an Independent Consultant for Jamberry 

and more 

Don't want to wait for a FR to donate?  You don't have too!   Donate anytime by clicking the link on this page .... best of all your donation (here) will be Tax Free! 

Thank you for helping the GP Community get 1 step closer to a better way of life.  Living day to day in fear of food and if we have enough energy to get out of bed is no way to live.  Our stomach is literally killing us and we can't do anything about it.   But with support from you, that can change!  



Melissa McElfresh 


This fundraiser supports

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Organized By Melissa McElfresh

Giving Activity


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