Support science curiosity and education

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Illinois Science Council
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End of year fundraiser support science for the curious


raised by 2 people

$500 goal

I'm striving to raise $500 by December 31st and I can't do that without your help! So, whether you donate as a gift to me, or just because you value science and knowledge, your donation enables our year-round schedule of engaging low-cost or free science events.

Illinois Science Council is an independent nonprofit that engages, educates, and entertains the adult public about science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) in our everyday lives. We highlight the scientists and research of the Chicago-area institutions and companies that make Chicago the nation’s true “City of Science.”

Eleven years ago, we realized that while Illinois and Chicago spend $11 million in tax dollars to support the Illinois Arts Council, ZERO public funds are dedicated to public outreach for science. Zero. It’s even more glaring at the City level. Chicago spends over $20 Million dollars for the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events. Illinois Science Council was launched to fill that gap. Every day you can encounter reasons why it’s important for everyone to have a good understanding and appreciation of science.

ISC explores all areas of science and technology and we do it with a fun, non-stuffy approach. We don’t care what’s been forgotten since school (or never learned in the first place). It’s simply about continuing to exercise our inexhaustible human sense of curiosity. We create engaging programs open to the public (aimed at adults and accessible to teens) such as hands-on chemistry (Chemistry of… Beer, Chocolate, Coffee, Honey, etc), panel discussions on science subjects in the news (Your Brain on Happiness, on Creativity, on Addiction, on Exercise, etc.), author talks, film screenings (“The Atom Smashers”), and more.

Your donation enables our year-round schedule of engaging, low-cost or free science events. Please support ISC today!

Carl Sagan once said, "We live in a society that is exquisitely dependent upon science and technology, in which hardly anyone understands anything about science and technology.” Please help me change that, we're all in this together.

* ISC receives no funding from the State of Illinois or City of Chicago. We rely solely on the generosity of donors like you!

This fundraiser supports

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Illinois Science Council

Organized By Spencer Graham

Giving Activity


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