Gender + Radiation Impact Project

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Gender and Radiation Impact Project
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Cumulative total here is all online gifts over 4 years. Thank you, so much, for your vital support.


raised by 85 people

$35,000 goal

2 months left

Update #12 / The Arc of the Year

Update posted 10 months ago

The GENDER AND RADIATION IMPACT PROJECT (GRIP) Board of Directors meets 3 or 4 times a year. The most recent meeting, in November is my favorite meeting in the cycle of the year--the Budget setting session. I am the executive side of this equation, and I love the group that is serving the organization as fiduciary. It is a real joy to think ahead and bring them my vision for the coming year. 

GRIP is special. I have had my career, now, at 65 years old, it is all about supporting younger people and emerging leaders of any age, and doing work that NEEDS to be done. Particularly the items that anyone building a career would be nuts to undertake. 

It is FUN! And, it is all about service.

I invite you to become part of this, by giving your support to this Project. In the coming year the work I am undertaking with Cindy Folkers of Beyond Nuclear will not be glamorous. There will be a lot of behind-the-scenes meetings, institutional fundraising and hopefully development of some new "heavy hitter" funders who I hope will step up for more than this project for GRIP and Beyond Nuclear. These pieces will build a foundation to go after a better understanding of internal exposures from living in radioactively contaminated areas.

If you want to take that step and join us with your support for 2024, you are so welcome! If you already have given to GRIP, thank you so much. 

Looking forward to 2024! Join us.


Here is a list of some of the work we did in 2023:

Webinar with Women In International Security 

Playlist of 7 other events in 2023

The full list appears in the right hand panel if you look on a device larger than a phone.

Please consider subscribing to "Get-A-GRIP" newsletter--it is on email, three or four times a year. You have to sign up, and then click a link in an email that will be sent automatically when you do.  Here is that form: CONTACT

Wishing you, and yours a happy and health 2024--and thank you for all you do!

In 2011, Mary Olson of Nuclear Information and Resource Service published an independent analysis of a National Academy of Sciences report which found that  women suffer greater harm from radiation exposure than men.

The same year, the World Health Organization published a major report on the impact of the nuclear disaster at Fukushima, Japan, which also found that girls will be disproportionately harmed by radiation.

These critical yet under-reported findings led to the creation of the Gender and Radiation Impact Project, a 501(c)3 educational and funding nonprofit that works at the intersection of public health, medicine, and public policy. We bring together top thinkers to understand the role biological sex plays in harm from radiation.

Join the Gender + Radiation Impact Project (GRIP) in jump-starting a five-year effort to broaden research on the impact of radiation to include girls, women and the entire human life-cycle. 

GRIP is a start-up and must, for its tax-exempt status show interest from the public in its mission. Smaller gifts from many new supporters are VERY HELPFUL at this stage.  Your networking very much appreciated. And, MAJOR support is alway welcome too! You are on our donation page now. Make your gift here, or see the "Off-line" info below.

The NEWSLETTER, Get-A-GRIP is another way to show your interest.  Free subscription gives you 4 editions a year (via email) along with NEWS items and 3 fundraising requests. or about one email a month. 


Together, we’ll search for answers and protect our grandchildren in the meantime.

Be a Research Catalyst today!

For more information contact

Off-line Giving

If you prefer to send a check (or other form of donation) please contact us, or send via postal service to:  

Gender and Radiation Impact Project, 

30 Westgate Parkway, # 362, Asheville, North Carolina 28806.

(checks can be made to same, or GRIP)

Tax Status

Gender and Radiation Impact Project is a public charity under the US Tax Code 501(c )(3). Gifts are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Thank you for your generous support. 

Use of Funds

Giving Activity


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