Barefoot Republic

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Barefoot Republic
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raised by 3 people

$1,500 goal

Team participant

Barefoot Republic is a kids camp near and dear to my heart. It encourages our youth to step out of their community and blend with others…Teaching diversity, kindness, love for all and how to work together as one. All are welcome at Barefoot! It doesn’t matter where you come child is turned away. I have volunteered at Barefoot and witnessed some amazing transformations, not only in the children, but the staff as well. We need more camps like Barefoot to bring about a much more tolerant and peaceful world....Beginning with our kids. 

I am running a marathon next spring, to raise money for Barefoot... for scholarships that will go to those children who are unable to afford to attend this beautiful experience. If you find it in your heart to support this worthwhile organization, I and everyone involved will be forever grateful. Every little bit helps and will be greatly appreciated. If you aren’t able to donate, please keep Barefoot Republic in your prayers..that they continue to touch the lives of many and that the kids who need it the most..find their way to this special camp.

Thank you!

God bless, 


This fundraiser supports

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Barefoot Republic

Organized By Jenn Jenkins

Giving Activity


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