Help Grow Environmental Education in NC!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Environmental Educators of North Carolina
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raised by 21 people

$800 goal

How many happy memories can you think of that have to do with enjoying time outside?  Maybe it was riding bikes all over the neighborhood with your friends.  Maybe you had a creek you stomped around in.  Maybe there was that one special tree you loved to go sit under and read.  Did you climb trees?  Pick flowers?  Listen to birds or frogs?  Flip over rocks and play with rolly pollies?  

Maybe you don't consider yourself and outdoorsy person and you might not even think much about the natural world around you, but I bet you have some of those memories.  Kids, and even adults today, don't always have those opportunities anymore.  Environmental Educators of North Carolina is an organization that focuses on getting people outside and learning about the world around them.  We support environmental education opportunities all across North Carolina.  

I love being in nature and discovering all of the amazing things God created for us to enjoy.  I want everyone to have access to quality environmental education programs and experiences that help them develop a love and respect for our environment.

Will you join me in this "fun"raiser to support environmental education?  If I reach my goal, I'll be plunging into the ocean in January in celebration and I'll be sure to share the video with everyone!

This fundraiser supports

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Environmental Educators of North Carolina

Organized By Tanya Poole

Giving Activity


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