Vote for Halle!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Homeward Trails Animal Rescue Incorporated
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Vote for Halle in the Up Close and PAWSonal Photo Contest!


raised by 8 people

$250 goal

Name: Halle

Breed Guess: Hound mix

Adoption Date: 2/2/2023

If I Were A Famous Person I Would Be: Halle Berry

Why?: Halle’s big ears, beautiful coat, and model legs make her a movie star. She uses the Baltimore City sidewalk as a catwalk. She also backs it up with academy award performances when it rains or she wants her way. She has been recently nominated for her performance last week, when she limped the whole walk because it was sprinkling, gathering sympathy by all those who witnessed her theatrics.

If I Had A Super Power it Would Be: Invisibility. She loves sneaking up on her mom, and stealing socks right off the laundry pile.

Why You Should Vote for Me: Halle is the sweetest, most loving, and goofiest puppy you will ever meet. If you like doggos with the floppiest ears around town, who wag with their whole body and greet everyone like a best friend, then Halle is your girl. 

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