Healing Communities PA

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Peace Development Fund Inc
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HCPA is an interfaith, BIPOC, abolitionist, open & affirming justice transformation network.


raised by 5 people

$1,500 goal

Our long term vision of justice reform is one of abolition, justice transformation (as opposed to reform), restorative justice, racial and economic justice and an end to systemic racism and oppression and state sponsored terror as well immigration and LGBTQ+ equity.

We train communities of faith to:

*connect returning citizens to resources that will help set attainable goals

*provide spiritual support

*foster positive relationships

*extend open and affirming fellowship

*collaboration with family and friends to rebuild relationships

*advocate for political change for justice transformation on a local, state, and federal level

We provide support and technical assistance to faith communities by:

*offering seminars in restorative justice, family reintegration and family support

*identifying resources and building networks for capacity building, service delivery and advocacy

*offering opportunities for peer learning from other congregations and expert learning at local, regional and national conferences

*customized programming for local congregations

We also facilitate the HCPA Faith Action Network providing:

*movement building

*faith community organizing

*legislative advocacy

*media & social media campaigns


*campaign education


*direct action

*voter education

While 2022 has been a harder year for justice transformation we successfully advocated for:

* The State and Philadelphia Offices of the Victim Advocate to abstain from legislative lobbying against second chances.

* The unanimous passage of the Dignity Act by the PA House. Unfortunately the PA Senate did not act on the bill.

* Expanding the use of Restorative Circles as alternatives to prosecution.

* Coauthoring and cosponsoring the PA Dual Victims Survey Report.

* Creation of a cohort of dual victims to change the narrative around victims and second chances.

* Successfully advocating against White Christian Nationalism in the PA Governor's race.

This fundraiser supports

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Peace Development Fund Inc

Organized By Chris Kimmenez

Use of Funds

Giving Activity


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