Volunteer Fire Department

Organization Image

A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Lexington Community Foundation
Fundraiser image

Dedicated to protecting life and property in our community through professionally delivered fire prevention and emergency services


raised by 90 people

$35,000 goal

The members of the Lexington Volunteer Fire Department would like to thank the community for the continuous generosity and support. Your support and appreciation always make our job easier and more fulfilling. We are writing to inform you that our annual Fund Drive is taking place at this time. Your donation will help provide essential safety equipment, medical devices, and tools used during fire incidents. Additionally, the funds we receive would allow us to bring in outside training companies to learn about the new and ever-changing challenges the fire service faces every year. 

 The Lexington Volunteer Fire Department consists of 36 active members and 3 new recruits. In 2023, our members responded to 431 fire and rescue calls which means that we respond to an average of 1 call per day. Although that number may seem small, each call requires multiple volunteers to leave their workplace or home to assist a community member in need.

 During regular department training, we have volunteered 1,397 man hours learning different fire and rescue techniques and tactics. Members have also taken it upon themselves to seek outside training activities such as State Fire School, State EMS Conferences, and the annual Les Lukert Conference. Again, the level of service we provide is a direct result of the level of commitment from our members. 

 There are two easy ways to support your Lexington Volunteer Fire Department this year. The annual “Give Big Lexington” campaign will be on Thursday, November 7th, 2024. You can follow the link provided below or you can choose to donate directly to the Lexington Volunteer Fire Department by sending your generous donation to our mailing address, PO Box 721, Lexington, NE 68850.

Give Big Lexington: https://www.givebiglexington.org/story/Lexvfd


 Lexington Volunteer Fire Department

We Still Make House Calls

Giving Activity


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