It's a Small World - Full of Kittens!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Homeward Trails Animal Rescue Incorporated
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raised by 4 people

$485 goal

Minnie and her adorable kittenketeers are certain that DC is the happiest place on earth. And, they want to get here as soon as possible, but that can't happen unless we meet our sponsorship goal by May 26th.

We found Minnie and her brood in the hills of West Virginia, looking for fame and fortune as the next family "act." They had become so popular that the paparazzi were overwhelming them - everyone wanted to take their pictures and get their pawtographs. As a family, they decided they wanted a quieter life, so they had their people call our people, and now we have a chance to get them out.

Unfortunately, they were content to perform for salmon, but salmon won't get you a ticket to DC, so we're asking for donations to help this family find a place to settle down and enjoy a work-free life, where they can perform for fun and not for survival. The kittens are still a little overwhelmed so we respected their wishes for no pictures at this time. However, Minnie is happy to represent her family and remind people that she needs a home too!

The animals featured here have until 5/26 to be safely rescued.  Your donation will directly allow us to save them and give them the life they deserve. Thank you!

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