#GivingTuesday - Giving to Stay

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Rebuilding Together Northeast Ohio
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This #GivingTuesday, #GiveToStay & provide critical health & safety repairs to low-income homeowners


raised by 0 people

$5,000 goal

Rebuilding Together Northeast Ohio

Rebuilding Together Northeast Ohio is a nonprofit organization focused on repairing homes and revitalizing communities for low-income homeowners who are elderly, have a disability, or are veterans. Since 1991, our goal has been to improve the health, safety, and accessibility of homes and communities by leveraging volunteers, partners, and government entities. 

Rebuilding Together - Repairing homes, revitalizing communities, rebuilding lives. 

Tuesday 11/27/2018 is #GivingTuesday!

#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration.

Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving.

One of the best ways to get involved is in your own community. Join the [Re]Build movement and show your support for safe and healthy homes and communities.

Join the [Re]Build Movement and #GiveToStay

This #GivingTuesday, #GiveToStay! Your gift will not only help keep low-income homeowners in their homes, but will also help stabilize and revitalize communities across Northeast Ohio. #GivingToStay means homeowners can remain in their homes throughout the entirety of their lifetime. From providing critical emergency repairs to providing necessary accessibility modifications, your gift will keep homeowners safe and healthy in their homes for years to come.

[Re]building homes, lives, and communities starts with individuals like you. 

Your generous gift will help us continue our mission by providing - 

  • Accessibility modifications to help homeowners age in place.
  • Volunteer service days to beautify streets and engage the community.
  • Major home repairs like roofs, furnaces, and electrical and plumbing repairs.

- All with the goal of keeping homeowners safe and healthy in their homes from age 25 to 105.

Giving Activity


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