Madison Tango Society

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Create Wisconsin Inc
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Support the Madison Tango Society


raised by 0 people

$10,000 goal

8 months left

Madison Tango Society is a not-for-profit organization, with goals of expanding the love of tango, encouraging instruction in the Madison area, reaching out to other dance communities, and continuing a positive learning environment for dancers at all levels.

MTS is run by a Board of Directors, elected by the membership. 

MTS offers practicas on Tuesdays each week, where people informally teach each other tango techniques and movements.  Monthly milongas are held generally on the first Saturday of every month.

As Argentine Tango has become more popular in Madison, we are fortunate to invite instructors from all over the world to teach.  We also have instructors in Madison and surrounding areas that teach classes on a regular basis.

All MTS events are suspended until further notice due to COVID-19.

Learn more at

Support MTS by:

  • Credit Card or PayPal using the Donate button below.

  • Send a check (payable to Create Wisconsin), to Create Wisconsin, Box 1054, Madison, WI 53701-1054. Include a note stating the donation is for Madison Tango Society.

Create Wisconsin is a registered 501(c)3 organization and serves as the fiscal receiver for this organization. Your donation is will be tax deductible.

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