Housing for Immigrant Families in Maine

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Capital Area New Mainers Project
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Help CANMP transform a former church into low-income housing for refugee families!


raised by 104 people

$45,000 goal

$1000 Matching Grant Challenge!

Update posted 4 years ago

Dawn Gallagher and Phil Lindley of Hallowell have pledged to match all donations made this week, up to $1000. Donate now and have your contribution matched!

The Capital Area New Mainers Project welcomes immigrants and works to build a thriving, integrated community in central Maine. In June, CANMP received an extraordinary gift. The Episcopal Church of Saints Matthew and Barnabas in Hallowell donated its sanctuary, fellowship hall, and parsonage to our organization. We already rent the parsonage to an Iraqi refugee family and now we will renovate the fellowship hall into a residence for a Syrian refugee family. We will transform the gorgeous sanctuary into the Hallowell Multicultural Center, a community space for potluck dinners, speakers, holiday celebrations, and other events. 

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