The McCormack's Back-to-School Challenge 2021

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Kilgoris Project
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Join me in fully funding The Kilgoris Project's classrooms for 2022!


raised by 14 people

$25,000 goal

Each school day, 1,500 bright students skip their way onto The Kilgoris Project's preschool and primary campuses. A filling breakfast, nutritious lunch, exceptional teachers, enrichment programs, and healthy, safe campuses support them there.

With your generosity TKP is investing in students, teachers and campuses in big ways in 2022 and beyond.

  • We're focused on impacting MORE kids by growing our campuses, preparing for the new Kenyan national curriculum and formalizing our alumni support program.
  • TKP's exceptional teachers are the core of the classroom experience. We're increasing their training, mentoring and professional development; while remaining committed to paying competitive salaries and benefits.
  • We continue to double our efforts around health and safety programs, including: student counseling programs, orphan care, sanitary campuses, and continuing to meet economic and health challenge of our students during the pandemic.

The McCormack team is a part of raising $145,000 to create a classroom experience that propels students to high school and beyond.

Will you join us in our personal goal of raising $10,000 to cover classrooms in 2022?

This fundraiser supports

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Kilgoris Project

Organized By Caren McCormack

Giving Activity


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