Vote for Merry!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Homeward Trails Animal Rescue Incorporated
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Vote for Merry in the Up Close and PAWsonal Photo Contest!


raised by 5 people

$250 goal

Name: Merry

Breed Guess: DSH

Adoption Date: 4/18/2019

If I Were A Famous Person I Would Be: Not famous, but as a character: Kevin Malone from "The Office"

Why?: He's a loveable dummy who has a little bit of a gut and is mostly sweet but can sometimes be a little annoying when he has nothing better to do. Also he wears a toupee.

If I Had A Super Power it Would Be: To teleport into rooms... but he only can teleport in them he can't get out again... because he loves to trap himself in rooms by closing the door on himself or sneaking in when you don't realize and allowing himself to get trapped.

Why You Should Vote for Me: Just look at that faaace. You will never meet a sweeter, dumber, more loveable cat than this guy, you have my word! 

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