Vote for Missy Katz!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Homeward Trails Animal Rescue Incorporated
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Vote for Missy Katz in the Up Close and PAWsonal Photo Contest!


raised by 0 people

$250 goal

Name: Missy Katz

Breed Guess: ASH tortie point

Adoption Date: 10/15/2022

If I Were A Famous Person I Would Be: Mary McCarthy

Why?: After being orphaned at the age of six, McCarthy became an American critic and novelist. Her fiction is known for its wit as well as its detailed analysis of intellectual dilemmas.  Missy Katz is funny, and also has an analytic side. She is trying to figure out where the laser dirt goes when she puts her paws on it. She is absolutely obsessed with trying to find out the answer 

If I Had A Super Power it Would Be: She would be able to take cans of food off the shelf and effortlessly open then when she is hungry 

Why You Should Vote for Me: She was abandoned and found on a street in Baltimore, but was determined not to be feral. She is the sweetest girl who is a friend to all and a great ambassador for cats adopted from shelters. 


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