Moses' NVMA Fundraiser

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Vermont Workers' Center - Jobs with Justice Inc
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Support NVMA leaders to learn and grow through exchanges with other organizations and movements.


raised by 16 people

$750 goal

The Nonviolent Medicaid Army is connected to national and international struggles of the poor and dispossessed.

Our leaders can learn and develop a lot through opportunities to exchange with other organizations and movements -- which sometimes requires travel!! These exchanges can be incredibly powerful and build deep and lasting relationships. 

We are a network of working-class people. Traveling means paying for transportation along with room and board, supplies, passport renewals, and other expenses. 

This fundraiser helps pay for travel expenses for these exchanges. Thank you for supporting our leaders to build solidarity across geography!

This fundraiser supports

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Vermont Workers' Center - Jobs with Justice Inc

Organized By Moses Hernandez McGavin

Giving Activity


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