Mt. Ecclesia Earthquake Retrofit Project
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Rosicrucian Fellowship
We Need your help to fund the earthquake retrofit of three buildings on the grounds of The Rosicrucian Fellowship in Oceanside, California
raised by 24 people
$50,000 goal
Our Mission is To Teach and Heal
The Rosicrucian Fellowship is a school of thought. It aims to give to the Western World explanations of life and its mysteries, which time has obscured, and to make the Christian teachings a living factor in the land.
In 1911 land was purchased in Oceanside, California, to establish Mt. Ecclesia as headquarters for our work.
For over 100 years healing services have been held at Mt. Ecclesia, helping thousands of individuals from all over the world who have asked for our prayers. During this same time we have provided correspondence courses and classes to the public. All this work has always been supported on a free will offering basis.
We are now faced with retrofitting three buildings to meet new earthquake standards: Healing Department, the old Administration Building, and the Guest House.
We need to raise $50,000 to complete a structural assessment and develop architectural plans. Additional funding will be needed for actual construction.
The Rosicrucian Fellowship is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit corporation and contributions are tax deductible. Our address is 2222 Mission Ave., Oceanside, California, 92058
Thank you for your consideration and support.