Join Bailey in supporting Marian Girls!
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Marian Middle School$5,000
raised by 21 people
$5,000 goal
For this year's GIVE STL Day, I am supporting Marian Middle School because I care about its mission of breaking the cycle of poverty through education. Marian supports each Marian Girl for 11+ years as she makes her unique journey from 6th grade through career success. This journey begins with a holistic middle school education that prepares students for high performing high schools and continues as their dedicated Graduate Support team builds lifelong mentoring relationships with alumnae, guiding them on a path to high school graduation, college completion, and career success. We support Marian Middle School because we truly believe in their mission of breaking the cycle of poverty through education. We are asking YOU to join us in giving to Marian Middle School as they Light the Way for the next generation of leaders!