Help AA21 and ADG Save At Risk Afghan Allies

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

National Able Network Inc
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AA21, ADG, and the National Able Network have partnered to save 200+ At Risk Afghan Allies


raised by 50 people

$612,000 goal

My name is France Hoang and April 23, 2022 marks the 47th anniversary of me and my family's evacuation from Saigon, Vietnam mere days before it fell to communist forces. Months later we arrived on U.S. shores to start a new life made possible by the incredible generosity of the American people, physical courage of its servicemembers, and moral courage of its political leaders.  

The Hoang Family: Camp Pendelton, California, 1975 (left); Washington, DC, 2009 (right). 
I'm holding the apple in the left photo.

47 years later, my life has come full circle.  Over the past 7 months I've had the extraordinary opportunity to pay it forward by helping Afghan families immigrate to the U.S. following the fall of Kabul, just as my family immigrated to the US following the fall of Saigon. Two organizations I help lead -- Allied Airlift 21 (AA21) and the Afghanistan Departure Group (ADG) –- have accomplished the following:

  • Prior to August 31, 2021, assisted 400+ Afghan allies reach America by safe passage through Kabul International Airport. 
  • On September 17, 2021, organized and secured funding for the first US private charter flight from Afghanistan after the US ended its military and diplomatic presence.  On that flight were 380 Afghan allies, including 93 families with 152 children.  All 380 travelers have legally immigrated to the United States and are starting new lives.  
  • Since September, screened, verified, and referred 1200+ Afghan allies for manifesting for travel to the United States.

I cannot help but see my own family and our journey in these Afghan families and their journey.  Because of this, I, alongside many dedicated volunteers at AA21 and ADG, continue to work passionately and tirelessly to bring at risk Afghan allies to our shores.  

We are now at a critical stage where private funding can once again make a crucial difference.  We are looking to raise $612,000 to support additional flight and ground operations in Afghanistan.


  • 200 Afghan allies will legally immigrate to the United States (every $3,060 raised enables one more Afghan ally to legally immigrate to the U.S.)
  • $1,153,000+ in potential matching grants/spending are unlocked for flight and ground operations (~$2 matched for every $1 donated)
  • Enables a proof of concept that can lead to capacity for additional 6,000 Afghanistan to U.S. travelers/year


  • Flight and Ground Coordination and Support: $75,000
  • Housing, Food, Life Support: $410,000
  • Transportation: $20,000
  • Medical Services: $107,000

*Any additional funds raised will be used solely to support flight and ground operations by AA21 and ADG.

I am grateful every day for the opportunities I've had and life I've lived because of the generosity of America 47 years ago.  Although I've had many opportunities to serve -- in war, in the White House, in creating worthwhile companies -- no effort has been as significant to me as helping Afghan families make the arduous journey to a welcoming America.  

I ask for your help to do today for our Afghan Allies what Americans did 47 years ago for my family and many other Vietnamese allies.  Your donations will enable us to continue our work at AA21 and ADG in creating a better future for these Afghan families.  

**National Able Network is the partner and fiscal agent for Allied Airlift 21 and the Afghanistan Departure Group. National Able Network is a 40+ year non-profit based in Chicago.

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