
Plastic Swear Jar Challenge

Fundraiser image

Donate your plastic swears to Changing Tides Foundation to help us in the fight against plastic!


raised by 10 people

$2,500 goal

About This Challenge

Welcome to the Plastic Swear Jar Challenge Fundraiser!

Changing Tides Foundation is committed to protecting our planet, so we invite you to use our Plastic Swear Jar, a global initiative that will change the way you look at single-use plastic! Try it for a week, a month, or even the whole year! Go on, we challenge you!

It is estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the world's oceans. That is staggering and we have the power to change that. By paying attention to the single-use plastic waste we create we can truly open up our eyes to see that literally everything is covered in plastic. The more aware we become about our personal habits, the better the chance we can break those habits and more importantly the more likely we are to demand change from the government to regulate polluting corporations. 

How does it work? We ask you to donate your "swears" here in our Plastic Swear Jar fundraiser. We use those funds to create educational programs that we share globally. We promise to use every dollar donated here to benefit our environmental initiatives, from cleanups to educational programming to composting and advocating for environmental justice. 

Giving Activity



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