Melinda's Tai Chi Meditation Garden Fundraiser

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Redding Tai Chi Meditation Garden
Fundraiser image


raised by 3 people

$500 goal

The Redding Tai Chi Meditation Garden is a unique offering to the community

  • The second Tai Chi court in the western United States.
  • A site for relaxation as well as rejuvenation through the meditative practice of Tai Chi and other meditative activities.
  • A potential hub for community engagement and a lovely place to sit in nature.
  • Potential tourist attraction due to its uniqueness and visitor interest in Tai Chi.


Post-Pandemic need for Social-Emotional Restoration in our community


  • Prevalence of poor mental health and addiction in Shasta County 
    1. Tai chi outdoors can improve one's outlook and provide an alternative to other personally destructive activities.
  • Potential for connections to nearby underserved populations such as Women’s Shelter and neighborhoods near Benton and Market streets.
  • Potential for connections to Turtle Bay School and other area schools.


Giving Activity


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