Vote for Ringo!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Homeward Trails Animal Rescue Incorporated
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Vote for Ringo in the Up Close and PAWsonal photo contest!


raised by 3 people

$250 goal

Name: Ringo

Breed Guess: American Bully

Adoption Date: 2/29/2020

If I Were A Famous Person I Would Be: Ringo Starr

Why?: He was named after Ringo Starr so it just seems fitting. He also has many talents and good taste in music, just like Ringo Start

If I Had A Super Power it Would Be:  Teleportation, so that he can attend all birthday parties as he loves when people sing happy birthday

Why You Should Vote for Me: Ringo is the most loving boy that you never would have guessed he had a sad past life before being rescued. He would love the chance to be recognized and loved, the way he does so with everyone he meets!

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