San Bruno Parents Club Fundraiser 2023

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Help a Mother Out
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SBPC Giving Tuesday - Diaper Drive


raised by 15 people

$800 goal

Please join SBPC in supporting Help a Mother Out 

Help a Mother Out® works to improve baby and family well being by increasing access to diapers for families in need. A family’s access to a reliable supply of clean diapers reduces the risk of infectious disease outbreaks, improves baby’s health and comfort, and enables baby’s participation in early care and education programs. 

Why diapers matter

Diapers cost between $80 and $100 per month. That’s $2,850 to diaper one child with regular changes until potty training–a huge expense for the over 5 million low-income families with young children living in the U.S. today. Public assistance programs like food stamps don’t cover diapers.  Diapers give mothers and babies a chance. 

  1. HEALTH & WELL-BEING -  If a family can’t afford diapers, a baby may spend extended periods of time in a soiled or even re-used diaper.  This can lead to serious health problems for baby and disease outbreaks for entire communities.
  2. ACCESS TO EDUCATION - A supply of clean diapers is required to attend most childcare programs. So without diapers, toddlers don’t get a fair start in their education.
  3. SELF-SUFFICIENCY - When toddlers can’t go to childcare programs, adults remain under-employed. Something so basic as a diaper can actually have a big impact on a family’s ability to become financially self-sufficient.

You can help

Help a Mother Out is on a mission to ensure that every baby has a healthy supply of diapers. So far, they've provided over 61 million diapers to babies and families in need. They can do more with our help!

About San Bruno Parent's Club

San Bruno Parents Club is a supportive community for all local families who want to make authentic connections, share resources, and embrace parenthood.  Here, you will find yourself among fellow parents who truly get it; we are here to validate and encourage you during the challenging seasons of parenting and celebrate joy during the good times. Find us at -  We look forward to meeting you!  

This fundraiser supports

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Help a Mother Out

Organized By Hudielle de Souza

Giving Activity


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