Send Julie Oh to S. Korea!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Davis Korean Church
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A summer mission trip to Yangsan, S. Korea: Vacation Bible School and English summer camp.


raised by 8 people

$1,000 goal

Event participant

Dear Friends and Family!

Year 2013 was a special year for me.  It was the year that I completed my undergraduate career at UC Davis on December 13, 2013, and I have stepped in to the next chapter of my life as an individual pursuing a professional career in teaching.  2013 was also a very personal journey between me and God.  I feel like I finally understand a bit of God’s everlasting love and the daily endurance of fighting my flesh with the Truth.  My flesh and my heart may fail but I am deeply convicted that God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.  This summer, I want to act upon God’s love through a mission trip to South Korea (SoKo). 

The mission trip will take place in a rural area of SoKo called, Yangsan.  My mission team and I will be staying at Yangsan First Church and will be doing Vacation Bible School and English summer camp for the children and the youth there.  My teammates and I are currently preparing ourselves for this trip until our departure in July. 

Since community has played a central part in my walk with God and because there is power in prayer, I invite you to pray with me and my teammates for this mission trip.  Here are my prayer requests:

  1. To always look towards Jesus when I fail and in despair.  Especially when I feel worthless and inadequate in His presence.
  2. To love and believe in the Truth: I am His daughter, and nothing can separate me from His love (Romans 8:38,39).
  3. To be a leader who loves and prays for my mission teammates.
  4. To lead my team in His direction and plans for this mission trip.
  5. My teammates’ unity – cooperation, responsibility, commitment
  6. For wisdom – there will be many relational/logistic/spiritual/emotional issues as my team mates and I prepare for missions.  I pray that we see God rather than trying to resolve the issues ourselves.
  7. That I take joy in the situation I am in and that I do not do unnecessary worries (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). 

For this mission trip, I need to raise a total of $1000.00 by August 1st.  The overall amount will be covering flight, domestic transportation, and food. 

If you are convicted to support financially, please support me through Razoo.  If you would like to send a check, please write the check for “Davis Korean Church” and send it to the address below:

1540 Valdora Street Apt. 232

Davis, CA, 95618

Thank you for partnering with me on my mission trip to South Korea!  I am very excited!  If you have any questions regarding the mission trip,  contact me through 




This fundraiser supports

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Davis Korean Church

Organized By Julie Orange

Giving Activity


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