Senior Max Needs Some TLC

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Homeward Trails Animal Rescue Incorporated
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raised by 21 people

$1,500 goal

Max Stopped Eating

Update posted 1 year ago

All of the change and stress of losing his owner and a new environment caught up with him. At 15 years old, when Max stopped eating, things were serious. Blood work didn't show an underlying condition that would explain his lethargy and refusal of food, so Max needed supportive care to get him back on his feet. The vet found an ulcer on the back of his throat that had to be causing him a lot of pain and contributing to his symptoms. Senior cats don't bounce back on their own, so Max needs some extra TLC to get him over this hump. Please support Max's recovery.

Max recently arrived to us from a rural shelter where he ended up after his owner passed away. Max himself is a senior boy. We don't have any medical history on him, we don't know if he's ever had blood work or x-rays. Diagnostics that are critical for older animals to know if he has any underlying conditions such as kidney disease, painful arthritis, or thyroid issues. At 15 years old, we want to make sure Max has everything he needs to make the most of his golden years. Please help cover the cost of getting him into the best shape possible to be ready for adoption.

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