Handsome Sir Duke Is Ready to Live in a Castle!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Homeward Trails Animal Rescue Incorporated
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Sir Duke's owner sadly had to surrender him. HTs would love to get him to a new family asap.


raised by 3 people

$300 goal

Sir Duke is such a handsome yellow lab! His elderly owner sadly decided to surrender him, as she underestimated what it takes to keep a young lab happy. Sir Duke wants to be a good boy and find a loving family, but unfortunately he isn't having any luck finding potential adopters at the rural shelter he is currently living at. Sir Duke is spending his prime years behind bars, and Homeward Trails wants to get him out as soon as possible. The quicker enough funds are raised to rescue him, the quicker Sir Duke can be sprung from the shelter and brought up to Homeward Trails. Please don't let Sir Duke's life end up ending behind bars and donate to his rescue today!

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