Sofia's Breast Cancer Healing journey

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A personal fundraiser by

Paola Reyner
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Raise money for Sofia to cover cancer treatment, living expenses, and after care. Healing together.


raised by 160 people

$25,000 goal

Update #4

Update posted 3 months ago

Greetings fellow humans :)

Its my birthday tomorrow January 28th… 38, can’t believe I’m here!!!

The new year started with some great news after having my partial mastectomy on January 8th, and having a clean pathology!!! I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that I went from having a tumor the size of a golf ball in my breast- growing at a 60% rate, dealing with some chemotherapy scares and not knowing if having taken part of the chemo away due to a bad reaction to the drug would work in shrinking the tumor enough to not have to undergo a full mastectomy, if at all. But my body has responded so beautifully to this and I’m filled with tears because I’m so grateful to still be here, thriving.

I’m still awaiting radiation therapy. I have my preliminary appointment with my radiation oncologist at the end of next week to go over the layout, simulation and duration of therapy. I’m expecting at least one month of therapy and at least a week or so more of recovery from surgery until we can begin. The incision from the tumor and lymph nodes removal is healing without complications, and my physical therapist is confident I won’t have a problem regaining my full mobility. At the moment I still have some restrictions- no lifting, no pushing pulling. 

I’m in a transitional period as you can all imagine, as I will probably need just a little longer after radiation to regain my strength back, and will most likely have to have a pivot in my career, as massage therapy full time doesn’t seem to be the best path for me anymore due to how physically demanding it is, and my need to avoid any unnecessary complications it could cause- like lymphedema.

As of right now, I focus on doing what I can to feel strong and healthy as I walk in to this next phase in treatment, and explore ways to improve my overall health post-cancer.

As always, I wouldn’t have gotten here without all of you- I am eternally grateful to you all for the continued emotional, physical and financial support you’ve given me.

Wishing all of you a healthy, vibrant and ease full 2024.



Hello, my name is Nathan, and I’m Sofia’s loving fiancée. For those of you that might not yet know, Sofia was diagnosed with Stage 2 triple negative breast cancer a couple of months ago- at the young age of 37. She has actively focused on her health and wellbeing since I’ve known her. To have developed a cancerous tumor despite her efforts has been heartbreaking. Cancer doesn’t discriminate, and I feel like this seems to be, sadly, an all too familiar circumstance for far too many people. 

 Although the diagnosis was a devastating blow, she remains her vibrant, kind and impressively positive self. I don’t simply say this because she’s my partner of almost 13 years, but because I’m truly in awe of her strength, resilience and the way she gracefully navigates it all, every day. She makes it seem effortless, but it hasn’t been so easy. 

 Unfortunately, we’ve both had to pull money from our savings- for our future family, house, and our wedding- to cover everything that her insurance won’t, despite her applying for other types of financial assistance. Due do the nature of Sofia’s job (massage therapy) she’s already had to step away from work to avoid risking her immune system during treatment. The bills continue to come, her daily expenses need to be covered, and she's not even halfway through chemo yet. 

 I wouldn’t be coming to you on this platform if the burden of treatment costs had not proven to be far too cumbersome to carry on our own. We’re asking for your help to alleviate some of the financial stresses of this diagnosis, so she can go back to doing what she does best- to be a sounding board to all who know her, the one to bring a smile to her loved ones, to healing, laughing, enjoying life and helping others heal through massage, Breathwork and movement. 

Today I am looking to you for support for Sofia, and to contribute what you can to her cause. She is a FIGHTER! Let’s rally together and help her win this battle and pave a way to avoid financial collapse during and after treatment.

Some ways you can help Sofia:

1) Donate what feels right to you

2) Share this campaign use hashtag #sofistrong, #chunlistrong 

3) Continue cheering her on and strengthening her spirit with positive words <3

From the bottom of our hearts we thank you! We are humbled and grateful by your kindness. 


 **Her story she shared on Instagram (@cravingclementines) is below**

You can also follow her there for journey updates.



 I grew up in the 90’s playing Nintendo with my cousins- “Street Fighter” was a favorite amongst us. I always picked Chun-Li hoping I’d win- but… I never did. Today I’m not playing a video game, and I definitely don’t possess Chun-Li’s strong legs and otherworldly agility, but I’m a woman fighting- breast cancer. And I think that makes me pretty fucking strong *Chun-Li strong*!!


I found a lump in my right breast at the end of March. It was not the typical dense fibrous lump that I feel often, it was large.


I scheduled a breast exam early April while Nathan and I looked at wedding venues in Austin- just to make sure it wasn’t too serious.


After a mammogram and ultrasound, 2 biopsies, an MRI, and a full body PET scan later we had a diagnosis- Triple-negative invasive ductal carcinoma. 


We treat it with 6 months of chemo, followed by surgery then targeted radiation. About a year-long treatment.


We’ve paused our wedding plans. Our focus has shifted to ensure I beat this thing and thrive post-cancer.


Nothing prepares you for the unexpected turns and obstacles, and infuriating issues with insurance that come with a diagnosis like this. You keep your cool and move fast and make decisions that you never even considered having to make- it’s brutal.


We did a round of IVF- to have a chance to start a family once I heal. An intense and expensive treatment (not covered by insurance).


Bills continue to pile up. And we move forward.


After some setbacks during rounds 2 and 3 of chemo, I successfully completed the 4th round a couple days ago. Minimal side effects. I haven’t puked yet… life is good!!!


There have been tears, anger, and grief for all we’ve had to give up. But mostly I feel hope, and joy, and a tremendous will to live.


My fiancée, my family and close friends have shown up for me in the most beautiful and unexpected ways.


They’ve made this burden a little lighter.


We have a long road ahead, but I’m a resilient little pepper, and I hope you’ll join me on my fight!!!


Expect updates.

Lots of’em!




A personal fundraiser by

Paola Reyner

Paola Reyner

Giving Activity


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