4 Paws for Sophia Perez

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

4 Paws for Ability Inc
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Sophia is raising funds for a multipurpose service dog from 4 paws for ability.


raised by 38 people

$20,000 goal

2 years left

Update #4

Update posted 17 days ago

This girl has a smile and personality that is so contagious. Every nurse, doctor, tech, nutritionist and janitorial service that entered our room left with AT LEAST a smile and most of the time a good laugh and some candy. 

She truly made lemonade of this situation and I know she will continue to do so. She genuinely amazes me and I’m so inspired by her strength and adversity. 

We got some answers - unfortunately we likely will never have ALL the answers - and we are doing a family meeting before we share that information. Thank you everyone for praying, sharing, donating, loving, supporting, etc we are so very grateful and #HERstory isn’t done yet, this was just a long introduction 😝. Let’s keep rallying behind her and I have a good feeling I won’t be the only amazed. 

Some of my highlights: 

• the general peds doctor commented on her having a pumpkin loaf from Starbucks and with zero hesitation she took her half eaten loaf and moved it towards his face offering him a bite - he laughed, thanked her and said he had just eaten breakfast 

• every nurse that checked her heart she would ask to listen to theirs and they would always come up with a good joke to go with it. This became so routine her angel nurse brought her her very own stethoscope

• our janitorial lady’s name was Fay and she shared the story of how jameson always called Sophia Fay which quickly made her the favorite but Sophia topped it off giving her a handful of werthers candy 

• countless docs, techs and nurses were amazed at her “bar trick” where she takes all her meds with absolutely zero water 🤯

• she stayed up late coloring and cracking jokes telling stories of her siblings to our last night nurse 

• she let the eeg techs know she liked them after they stopped gluing or regluing her leads and would offer them hi-chews

• every single person was amazed she wrestles and she can’t wait to get back to practice 

Biggest blessing: 

• her neurologist is so impressed with the support system Sophia has at school, wrestling and her siblings — quite frankly we are too and so grateful Reverence Wrestling Club H. E. McCracken Middle School 


Sophia, aka Beast and Honey Badger, is an avid wrestler who has been battling an unknown medical concern for 2+ years. She has recently been approved by 4 paws for ability to receive a service dog to assist her in life.

Sophia fights tonic clonic seizures, syncope episodes, panic attacks and more. She’s endured many hospital stays and countless tests to include EEGs, EKGs, CTs, MRIs, 30 day heart monitors, medication changes and more. 

Sophia is one of four children in the home and everyone is “on alert” for an event. A service dog will assist her with gaining independence and transitioning from an active teenager to a young adult. The service dog will be multipurpose trained specific for Sophia to provide seizure response, alert to seizures - she has zero feelings aka auras before a seizure which have resulted in many dangerous situations of concussions, etc., provide behavior disruption to assist when the mental health side of this journey becomes overwhelming and just provide peace of mind to the entire family to be able to rest assured her pup will alert us if something is wrong (especially during showers and/or sleep) etc. 

While Sophia has been approved, she will not be active on the waitlist until we raise all the funds. The entire process is roughly 2 years long and the whole family will spend two weeks at the training facility when the service dog is placed. We are humbly asking for any assistance from donations, shares, prayers, etc. nothing is too small. 

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s help this girl make some lemonade! 💜🦡🍋

This fundraiser supports

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4 Paws for Ability Inc

Organized By Sara Perez

Giving Activity


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