Mass Rabies Vaccination of Dogs in Malawi & Uganda

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting


Rabies claims over 60,000 lives of the poorest communities globally and yet it is 100% preventable!


raised by 0 people

$5,000 goal


Problem Statement:

World Health Organisation estimates that canine rabies claims over 59,000 lives of predominantly children below the age of fifteen (15 years) in Sub Saharan Africa and Asia, from unvaccinated dog bites. Billions of dollars are lost throughout the world through loss of productive time due to the deaths and also in the cost of post-exposure treatment & management of this global public health concern. However, the loss of lives and revenue associated with post-exposure management of human dog bites, easily and predictably eliminated through community mass rabies vaccination of 70% of the existing dog population at a comparatively much smaller cost of $2 per dog vaccine.

Project Description:

 We work in collaboration with Malawi government through, Mzuzu City Council, Mzuzu Agriculture and Development Division (Ministry of Agriculture), we also work with other non-state entities like Washington State University, Community Vet Centre (Florida), GARC, Humane Society International and Mission Rabies. The programme is implemented by a dedicated team of three veterinary nurses and one full-time veterinarian. Through this programme, we reduced uncontrolled dog breeding (dog population) by sterilizing 2,345 dogs and vaccinating 24,134 dogs against rabies. 

 Sourcing external resources for the programme shall provide the much-desired personnel capacity to provide full professional cover for the extended mass rabies vaccination campaigns and spay and neuter clinics, without hindering other operations. 

We shall increase on the numbers of sterilized vaccinated and vaccinated dogs which will in-turn improve the vaccination cover and the proportion of vaccinated against unvaccinated dogs.  Whilst the team currently sterilizes an average of 200 dogs over two days at every community clinic and vaccinates over 7000 dogs against rabies in a two weeks rabies vaccination campaign, we are projecting to increase these numbers dramatically an additional $114,200.00 towards a dedicated programme staff, additional vaccines, supplies and logistics. 

Projected Outcome: 

The programme will reduce the annual dog population increase by sterilizing 500 dogs (only female) every quarter and vaccinating over 70% (target 20,000) dog population annually. With a fairly stable, mainly unreproductive dog population, canine rabies shall be eliminated from Mzuzu City and the surrounding areas the intervention will protect a population of over 1.7 million people that live in and around the city from the ever-increasing risk of rabies

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