Vote for Stanley!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Homeward Trails Animal Rescue Incorporated
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Vote for Stanley in the Up Close and PAWsonal Photo Contest!


raised by 1 people

$250 goal

Name: Stanley

Breed Guess: American Shorthair (but he thinks he's human)

Adoption Date: 8/15/2018

If I Were A Famous Person I Would Be: Albert Einstein

Why?: After receiving his degree in Paw-ticle Physics from Meow Universkitty with a minor in Wet Food Science at the age of 4 months, Mr. Stanley moved to his forever home and conducted further research on efficient processes for biscuit making and destruction of cabinet locks. In addition to his many talents, he is also an extremely successful negotiator. In fact, tonight he was able to convince his Dad to serve wet food 30 minutes early!

If I Had A Super Power it Would Be: Supersonic Screaming, so he can grace the entire world with his voice

Why You Should Vote for Me: Mr. Stanley is a talented singer who will grace you with the songs of his people, especially at 3am. If you dare ignore his meowing, he may even help save money on your power bill by turning off light switches while you're on video calls for work.

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