We need your help now more than ever!
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Twin County Humane SocietyBecome a sustaining donor and help even more animals in the Twin Counties!
raised by 15 people
$1,000 goal
Friends, it's been a tough year. There are more homeless and needy animals than ever! Adoptions are down, donations are down, and all of the rescues (including us) are full.
We know things are hard all around, but please consider a monthly donation to help the animals of the Twin Counties. Just a small amount each month will help us keep providing medical care, spaying, neutering, supporting animals with homes, and rescuing those without homes. Every day we receive a new request: sick kittens left to die in a hot field; dogs left outside with no food, water, or shade; dogs and cats left behind when their owners move (or die). Your ongoing donations will help us say yes, when no one else will.
Just $25 a month will help us say YES when the next emergency happens. Even $10 or $15 will help!
**When you click the donate button, please note that the default is for a monthly donation. You can change this if you would like to make a one-time donation only.