Let's Reopen our Hospitality House!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

El Refugio
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With your gift, families visiting loved ones at SDC get a place to sleep, hot meals, and friendship


raised by 29 people

$5,000 goal

We are reopening the El Refugio hospitality house! After months of advocacy by El Refugio and many partner organizations, Stewart Detention Center has reopened visitation. We are working on getting the word out to families that they can visit their loved ones at SDC, and El Refugio is here to provide free lodging, food, and friendship. 

With your gift, you cover the cost of maintaining our hospitality house, which we own free-and-clear, thanks to a generous corporate gift in 2018. By cost we mean: upkeep, repairs, utilities, and insurance. Most of the supplies like soap and paper towels are donated. (We are working on an updated needs list.) 

It costs about $55 to host a person overnight at our hospitality house. 

With your gift, you give families a comfortable place to stay in Lumpkin while visiting their loved ones at SDC. Immigration detention strips people of their dignity. The El Refugio hospitality house gives a little bit of that dignity back. 

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