Funding Educational Outreach in Peru

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Umbrella Initiatives Foundation
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The goal is to raise $5,000.00 to support local organizations and leadership training in Peru


raised by 5 people

$5,000 goal

We have an ambitious goal of raising $5,000 by the end of March for two concrete goals:

1) Direct Grants to Local Organizations in Peru & Bolivia - Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic we found that providing resources to key actionable projects whether it be delivery of food, providing books, or paying for local tutors to help as schools have gone virtual.  Giving financial aid to communities' leaders and groups on the ground is the most direct way to make a difference and support the most marginalized communities throughout Peru and Bolivia.

2) Additionally, we are planning a Second Annual "Escuela Vivencial de Voluntariado (Virtual)" for early March.  Community leaders will apply to participate in this Zoom gathering that will connect local non-profits and church throughout Peru in sharing best practice as the whole world adjust to life with COVID and mask.  

Through your support these goals can be a reality, but it can only be done with your help.

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