Team Elephant

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Stop Poaching Now Inc
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Help us fight the poaching crisis!


raised by 13 people

$1,000 goal

Please support our E-Race Extinction campaign by Stop Poaching Now! (SPN) to support their species projects: Project Elephant, Project Rhino and Project Tiger to save these species from extinction.

I’m a part of Team Elephant:

Decades ago, the Luangwa Valley of Zambia was an elephant paradise. Elephants spread out across the grasslands to grow with their families, safe and unrestricted. Unfortunately, that is not longer the case. Human actions have decimated the area’s elephant populations. Poaching and habitat destruction threaten the future of these animals and the future of the Valley of Elephants. SPN is here to help. 

SPN’s cornerstone project for 2018 is our Luangwa Valley conservation site. By working with organizations in the area and communities on the ground in Zambia, we are developing a self-sustaining and self-sufficient site. The elephants and rhinos will be protected by modern technology and a group of educated and well-supplied rangers committed to the continued success of these species. Combined with your help, we can provide the resources these people need to ensure the future survival of the rhinos and elephants in Luangwa Valley. 

For more information on the site see:

Team Elephant’s fundraising goals:

$400 - Creates a safe food store so the local people can protect their food and reduce the conflicts between them and hungry elephants. 

$500 - Buys a ranger the kit they need, so they have the basic tools they need including a tent, backpack, sleeping bag, warm clothing, and binoculars.

$3000 - Pays a ranger’s annual salary so they can focus on protecting elephants

$4000 - Pays a community worker’s annual salary so they can help mitigate human-wildlife conflict in the area, and foster peaceful coexistence between humans and wildlife.

$8,000 - Pays for our entire Alternative Crops Programat the site through which we assist locals in the shift to sustainable crops that elephants don’t like, thus minimizing elephant-human conflict.

$20,000 - Pays for the retraining of the present park rangers and the initial training of new ones

$25,000 - Pays for our entire Chili Patrol Program for one year.

Your gift will make a big difference for those species in desperate need. Please donate generously!


- 100 elephants are poached every day

- There are more tigers alive in captivity than in the wild

- There are only 42 wild tiger breeding sites left in the world

- That often baby rhino calves die as a result of their mother being poached and no longer being able to support them

Thank you,

Stop Poaching Now! (SPN)

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