Alexis Turner's Fight Against Breast Cancer

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A personal fundraiser by

Alexis Turner
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A fundraiser for Alexis Turner's Breast Cancer medical expenses


raised by 97 people

$25,000 goal

Update #8

Update posted 3 months ago

Hello friends, and happy Friday!

A few updates for my butterfly journey… 

Shortly after surgery, I was notified that, out of the 7 lymph nodes and breast tissue removed, EVERYTHING came back NEGATIVE!! Woohoo!

I couldn’t stop crying tears of joy when I heard this news. All of my hard work during chemo and surgery paid off, but we’re not quite done yet.

This past Tuesday I started radiation and will have it every day M-F for 4 weeks. So far, everything seems to be going smoothly! I am hoping it continues this way, but you never know with radiation, as it is a cumulative treatment.

As always, I am so very thankful for those of you that continue to check in on me. Thank you so much :) 

I continue to ask for prayers and good vibes, along with any donations you would feel comfortable sending my way. I am nervous for the out of pocket expense heading into treatment in the new year, also because we all know that our insurance deductible and co-pay resets. Thank you thank you thank you for everything. 

We’re not done yet, but we are SO CLOSE to the finish line!!!

On May 25, 2023, I received news that altered my life - a diagnosis of Stage 2b Breast Cancer. I learned that I was facing an aggressive, invasive ductal carcinoma. It feels like everything has changed in an instant.

I am so grateful to have insurance, but the expenses associated with my treatment have already started to pile up. As of June 8, 2023, I have accumulated approximately $11,000 in medical debt that I haven't even begun to pay off. I also haven’t even started treatment yet! 😅 It's overwhelming to think about this financial burden on top of everything else I'm going through.

I am due to start chemotherapy within the month, and the journey ahead feels daunting; however, I'm incredibly fortunate to have the support and love of my friends and family during this challenging time. Your presence here, taking the time to view this page, means the world to me.

That's why I'm reaching out and organizing this crowdfunding campaign. I believe that together, we can make this journey a little bit easier. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in my life. Your generosity will help lift the weight of medical debt off my shoulders and enable me to fully concentrate on my health and well-being. Your support will not only alleviate this financial strain but will also be a powerful reminder that I'm not alone in this fight against breast cancer.

Thank you for taking the time to visit this page and considering a donation. Your support means more to me than words can express. 

A personal fundraiser by

Alexis Turner

Alexis Turner

Giving Activity


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