Help Sandy Pearson Support Habitat Michigan!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Habitat for Humanity of Michigan

I'm fundraising to support Habitat for Humanity of Michigan - help me meet my goal!


raised by 0 people

$500 goal

Your donation may qualify Habitat for Humanity of Michigan for incentive dollars from the Rock Family of Companies. This is a fun and easy way to bolster all that we do. We repair homes of veterans, military service people, our aging population, people with disabilities needing modifications to their home, and people who could use the help due to unforeseen circumstances. We provide financial education and coaching, homebuyer counseling, and foreclosure prevention counseling. We offer down payment assistance grants and connect people with fair mortgage lending when they are ready to buy a home. We offer small dollar loans as an alternative to payday lending for people on a financial plan to achieve their financial goals which often includes better housing according to their budget. Thank you for your support of all we do in partnership with people!

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