Woods Charter School
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Environmental Educators of North CarolinaLet’s Grow Together: Planting the Seeds for a Better Future Through Environmental Education
raised by 46 people
$3,000 goal
Thank You for Helping Grow Woods Charter School's Outdoor Science Space!
Learn more about our work at http://www.woodscharter.org.
We are a K-12 public charter, located in Chatham County NC. We have an awesome water area that we are in the process of making more accessible. We wrote and received a grant to build an outdoor classroom: table, benches, shed, fencing, removing invasive plant species and creating a floating dock. This new space will support elementary, middle, and high school classes.
However, the TOOLS for students to use to investigate their questions have not been funded! We are partnering here with EENC in hopes of raising funds to purchase equipment: kids' and adult gloves, outdoor microscopes, hand lenses, bug boxes, plastic vials, dish pans, nets, etc. Please help us equip the next generation of scientists!
Future Outdoor Classroom Site at Woods Charter School
Our Work Matters
Environmental education works. The benefits of outdoor learning and environmental education are remarkable and well-documented. Research shows that regular time in nature can make us healthier, happier, smarter, and better stewards of the environment. That makes environmental education just as important for our participants as it is for the planet.
Learners of all ages, from infancy through adulthood, can benefit from the connection to and understanding of our environments that comes from environmental education. Implementing EE into every school day can build the foundation for lifelong engagement.
Will you help us grow?
If you have a past experience that helped shape your love for and commitment to protecting our planet, please pay it forward by supporting Woods Charter School's mission and work. Any amount you can give brings us closer to our goal.
Prefer to support our work via check or have additional questions? Contact dogorman@woodscharter.org.