The Wolf Pack

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church
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We are a sibling team and love our church. Will you help us raise money to restore it?


raised by 29 people

$2,500 goal

This photo was taken at the Groundbreaking Ceremony when work on the church's cracked foundation began. The church youth had been such a part of year one's work that they got to strike dirt first! 

About the Fundraiser & Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church 

On Sunday, June 9, 2024, the youth of Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church (LAPC) in Brooklyn, New York, will be leading the fourth annual Community Walk-A-Thon in nearby Fort Greene Park. 

The event’s purpose is to raise critically needed funds for LAPC’s Opening Doors Capital Campaign. Our beloved landmark church building – the home and foundation for all our mission activities and community service – is in urgent need of restoration work to maintain its structural integrity.  

How Does it Work?  Each youth is committed to participating in a group walk around the loop in Fort Greene Park. As a sponsor, you determine how much you will donate, and complete your pledge by clicking the donate button on this page. It is possible to contribute through June. Thank you very much!

About LAPC: Founded in 1857, LAPC is a beacon of hope and justice that has been creating and providing a community hub for social justice and advocacy for our members, neighbors, community, and beyond. The church’s youth are focused on helping to preserve and strengthen this community asset to be accessible to all for future generations.

LAPC's Opening Doors Capital Campaign is the latest chapter in a 25-year project to restore our building’s exterior. In Fall 2022, we launched a $1.2 million initiative including masonry work to waterproof and stabilize the front foundation walls and brick piers that support the front façade, narthex, and arch above. Refurbish and restore the front entrance doors, steps and installation of new front plaza. This work is close to completion. 

Our next capital priority is the restoration and repair of our Sanctuary ceiling. In August 2023, an 8’x4’ section of the plaster ceiling crashed to the floor, which resulted in the closing of our Sanctuary. We are grateful there were no injuries. With a grant from Sacred Places, LAPC conducted a full study of the condition of the ceiling to determine the cause and extent of the failure. Armed with a two-part plan, LAPC needs to raise $55,000 to have our architects produce construction drawings, plans and specs for the restoration work to be done. Submit filings and secure permits and solicit construction bids. Now that we have selected a construction bid, LAPC is fundraising for this phase of restoration and repair work. 

The children of the church are a big part of these projects. THANK YOU for empowering our youth!

This fundraiser supports

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Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church

Organized By Diana Roggemann

Giving Activity


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