Service dog for Abigail Chapirson

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

4 Paws for Ability Inc
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We are raising money for our daughter's Service Dog. We are so thankful for everyone's support!


raised by 27 people

$20,000 goal

Hello! We are raising money for a Service Dog for our daughter Abigail. She is an amazing teenager! She has a love of animals, but specifically Dinosaurs! She has at least 30 dinosaur books!

Abigail has Type 1 Diabetes as well as Autism, Bipolar, and OCD. A trained service dog will be life changing for her. For her diabetes, a service dog will be trained to smell and alert us to her high and low blood sugars. The dogs are actually more accurate than some of the technology out there, and they can catch it sooner than the devices! Amazing!

Her dog will also be trained to notice and distract her from anxious behaviors. When out in public it will help her stick with me instead of wondering off. This will relieve so much fear and stress for us.

The total cost for us is $20,000. This is only a portion of what it actually costs them to fully train these dogs. All proceeds will go to 4 Paws for Ability in Abi's name for her fundraising.

This fundraiser supports

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4 Paws for Ability Inc

Organized By Sara Chapirson

Use of Funds

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