Chuck and Ann's Back-to-School Challenge 2023
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Kilgoris ProjectPlease join us in fully funding a TKP classroom in 2024! Our team's goal this year is $3,000!
raised by 11 people
$3,000 goal
Kicking off the back-to-school season!
TKP's incredible students and teachers are gearing up for an exciting school year filled with learning, growth, and fun.
Growing preschoolers, primary school students, and our newly integrated junior secondary students arrive at TKP campuses ready to enjoy hearty meals, excellent teachers, enrichment programs, and more.
With your investment, our students, teachers, and community will thrive to a greater level in 2024 and beyond.
- We're focused on impacting MORE kids by integrating junior secondary students into TKP schools– an opportunity to serve them longer and invest in all 6 TKP campuses.
- We're investing in TKP's extraordinary teachers by providing training, mentoring, and professional development; while remaining committed to paying competitive salaries and benefits.
- We're strengthening and expanding our programs in education, girls and women empowerment, and health and nutrition for holistic growth within TKP and the Kilgoris community.
Our teams are seeking to raise a total of $200,000 between August 21 and September 18, to educate and care for school-aged children in rural Kenya. Will you partner with us to bring our students and teachers a life-changing school experience in 2024?
This season, we celebrate TEN years of the Back-to-School Challenge. With your help we can make it the best one yet!
Please prayerfully consider participating generously in my team's effort to raise $3,000, to entirely fund one classroom for a full year, in this most worthy of causes, which covers: teacher salaries, school supplies, our fantastic enrichment programs, and rich classroom experiences. Just click the blue "donate" button below in order to give now. Our students, their families, and their communities will gratefully and enthusiastically celebrate your gifts! (Ann and I will, too!)
With Sincere Gratitude,